Constitution 2 of our order asks that we “render to the divine majesty a service that is at once humble and noble”. We gather seven times each day for the Offices of Vigils, Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline. We have a beautiful liturgy: good singing, good quality in the material aspects, and we all take our duties very seriously so that our worship does have a sense of being humble and noble.
Exterior ritual, dress, comportment does help our interior worship, especially to know that gathered together in choir we are present to the reality of unbounded Love, and we are present to our earthly reality of need….need for guidance, for strength, for healing, for conversion. Wearing cowls is important; moving quietly, not rushing, stillness while in choir, helps us to remain present, a loving presence to the Lord and to each other. Rituals: like kneeling, walking in ceremony, discipline, makes us aware and attentive to the sacredness and dignity of our worship and prayer.
Through the liturgy of each day a sacrifice of praise is offered to the Father, there is a sharing in the mystery of Christ, and the Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification is accomplished. When we gather for the liturgy we are in a special way in union with the Church and actively involved in Christ’s priestly function, offering to God a sacrifice of praise and making intercession for the whole world.