Christmas Address by Our Abbess
The following reflection was given by M Marie at the annual carol service in St Carthage’s Cathedral, Lismore on the fourth Sunday of Advent and later shared with the Community at Chapter on Christmas Eve:
Dear Friends,
Each week I have the privilege of giving a class in the novitiate and over the past months, we have been looking at the values which inspired and motivated the first Cistercians in the 12th century and how they were able to read and respond so successfully to the needs of their times that they developed a very attractive spirituality which seemed to suit and speak to the youth of their time, and so they flourished and attracted many members.
Then we looked at the needs of our times and what they might be. What are the needs of our Christian communities today? We are all very aware of the basic needs for housing, health, work, relationships, etc. But what are the deeper, more hidden, invisible needs of our human hearts? As we reflected on this we came up with three possible needs: the need for silence, inner silence; the need for a personal relationship with Christ; and the need to find in Christ the right way of being human.
When we can experience inner silence, we become more conscious of who we are: that we are noble creatures and for us, Jesus left the glory of heaven and came to us as a poor, vulnerable, needy baby in order to accompany us back to the Father’s House and to a life of glory. Pope Francis says that each person is like a ray of light emanating from Christ and brightening the countenance of the church. Each vocation (married, single, priest, religious, hermit, etc.) is like a ray of light brightening the countenance of the Church. Each child ought to nourish that inner listening silence, so as to become aware of who they are and the wonder of what Christ does for every one of them.
Several years ago, Karl Rahner said that the Church of the future will be mystical or will not exist at all. In other words, as we ourselves experience the tenderness and depth of Christ’s love, in whatever way the Spirit reveals this to us, we will become one body, one Spirit in Christ and find our deepest joy and fulfilment in him. “Nothing can happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus” Phil: 3:8 and that is my motto!
To be Christian means following the way of Jesus Christ as the right way of being human; the right way to becoming a completely fulfilled and authentic human being. Taking Jesus as our model, in his complete dependence on the Father, in his detachment from superficial and superfluous concerns, in his care for the needy, and following his way, is an ascent to the true heights of being human. Following the way of Christ, we will show tenderness in the most difficult situations in life, we will show meekness in the face of every conflict and we will show closeness to those in need. This is what our world needs, tenderness, meekness, closeness.
The great light of Christ has come, but Christ continues to come to every human heart and to every nation. Christ, who is Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, has indeed come but he remains always the one who is coming because he is not yet fully manifest in individual people or in the whole of humanity. Just as Jesus was born a baby in Bethlehem, so he must be born, through the Spirit, in the heart of each one of us.
“You too are mothers of the Child who has been born for you and in you. Keep watch then… for the newborn child until Christ is formed in you, who was born for you” said Guerric of Igny (sermon on the Annunciation).
I pray that each one of you will continue to be a ray of light brightening the countenance of our world and that you find all your needs and desires met in Christ Jesus, who wants to inhabit your heart and spirit.