Community Photo 2022
We were happy to take advantage of both a sunny summer’s evening recently and the presence of a professional photographer who was staying with us, to organise a community photo under our great oak tree overlooking the Abbey Church here at Glencairn. There are twenty-seven of us in community, with an additional two sisters joining the photo who are living with us temporarily who have their stability in other Cistercian communities.
Bottom Row (left to right): Sr Angela, Sr Beatrice, Sr Marifiat (Cistercian nun of Sujong, Korea), Sr Robert Maria, Sr Stephen, Laura (Postulant)
Middle Row (left to right): Sr Sarah, Sr Mary, Sr Charlotte, Sr Clothilde, Sr Gertrude, Mother Marie, Sr Agnes, Sr Lily, Sr Michele, Sr Ann, Sr Liz
Back Row (left to right): Sr Fiachra, Sr Mairéad, Sr Kathleen, Sr Denise, Sr Eleanor, Sr Anna, Sr Michelle, Sr Maria Therese, Sr Mary Scholastica, Sr Josephine, Sr Benedict (Cistercian nun of Arnhem, The Netherlands), Sr Nuala
Photo: Marie-Line Burguiere