Regional Meeting of the Isles, Mount Saint Bernard Abbey 2013
This year’s regional meeting of the Isles took place at Mount Saint Bernard Abbey, Leicester, England, 5 – 12 March 2013.
Abbots, Abbesses and delegates representing each community in our region attended for this week long meeting, hosted by the Cistercian monks of Mount Saint Bernard, who graciously accommodated no less than thirty monks and nuns attending the event in their guesthouse, included us in their beautiful Liturgy of the Hours and daily Eucharist and in every way made us feel very much at home.
Foremost on the agenda were preperations for next year’s General Chapter (2014) in Assisi, together with time for pastoral sharing for superiors. Topics of shared concern amongst the communities of the region were discussed and coming together in this way we renewed the bond of our shared way of life seeking God and serving Christ in the monastic vocation.
A buffet supper together with the community of Mount Saint Bernard during the meeting provided the opportunity to capture some community members and monastic visitors on camera. the delegates were given a tour of the monastery at the end of the meeting also pictured in our collection. A sudden unexpected break in the weather during the meeting afforded some snowy picturesque shots of the monastery too.
Visit our events gallery for more photos.
Photo of superiors and delegates (above) by Sr. Sheryl Frances Chen ocso